Arhiva Categoriei: Calitatea vietii

A trecut deja primul trimestru al anului 2008. Prea repede, dupa parerea mea. Ca la orice final calendaristic (trimestru, semestru sau an), tragem linie si adunam. Cum stai cu rezolutiile pentru 2008? Cate din ele le-ai inceput / rezolvat? Spe
20 de Sfaturi pentru Finantele PersonaleEnglish Version“Daca vrei sa stii ce parere are Dumnezeu despre bani, uita-te numai la ce fel de oameni ii da.” – proverb romanesc. Traim in vremuri ce ne solocita tot mai mult imaginatia si sistemul de valori in ceea ce priveste finantele personale. Discutiile despre bani sunt tot mai dese in familie, cu prietenii sau cu colegii. As vrea sa spun ca puterea banilor depinde de atitudinea noastra fata de ei si ca banii au importanta pe care le-o dam, insa -- pentru ca aceste afirmatii sa aiba efect – ele trebuie practicate de cat mai multi oameni. Multimea de sarbatori care s-au precipitat in ultima luna (Sfantul Valentin, Dragobetele, 1 si 8 Martie), asezonate cu onomastici si reducerile din marile magazine au adus in atentia noastra banii pe care ii castigam, nu atat ca numar cat si ca valoare. Pornind de la aceste premise, am cautat pe net informatii care sa ma ajute sa adopt o atitudine sanatoasa si constructiva vis-à-vis de bani. (more…)
“Daca vrei sa stii ce parere are Dumnezeu despre bani, uita-te numai la ce fel de oameni ii da.” – proverb romanesc. Traim in vremuri ce ne solocita tot mai mult imaginatia si sistemul de valori in ceea ce priveste finantele personale. D
Caring for your household plants and flowers The spring is coming closer and closer and we need to let it enter in our homes too. The spring cleaning – which is a must -- is a great opportunity to pay more attention to your plants and flowers. It is the time for your plants’ rebirth, and the time spent with them this spring will be paid back by the beauty and health of your plants in summer. For those who have no plants at home, it’s time to buy at least 2 or 3, from the easy to maintain types of plants. The plant market has a lot to offer and the effort is worth: the plants beautify the house, purify and keep the air humid and bring positive energy to those around them. To ease the job of caring for your plants, I've created this document (in excel format) to keep record of them. You can save it on your pc, print it or give it to a friend who has a passion for house plants. The information needed to write on the spreadsheet can be taken from websites, for accuracy; they refer to ordinary caring of house plants. In this way, you’ll get an overview of your plants that you’ll guide your caring for them. In the second part of the document, you’ll find a spreadsheet for plant and flowers you wish to buy. You can fill it in every time you have an idea and print it when you go shopping. Hoping that this information is useful for you, I want you feedback for improving these spreadsheets. Good luck on taking care of your plants and enjoy them as much as you can.
The spring is coming closer and closer and we need to let it enter in our homes too. The spring cleaning – which is a must -- is a great opportunity to pay more attention to your plants and flowers. It is the time for your plants’ rebirth, and
A inceput lupta impotriva gropilor din straziO stire mi-a atras atentia: Brigada de Politie Rutiera a Capitalei a identificat, si cu ajutorul soferilor, 87 de gropi si canale descoperite, in descursul a doua saptamani. Ma mira numarul mic de gropi descoperite, mai ales ca si soferii au avut un cuvant de spus. De lucrul asta si-au dat seama si cei de la Brigada, prelungind termenul de “insemnare” a gropilor cu inca o luna, pana la 31 Martie. Asta este o veste cat se poate de buna. Nu se stie ce se va intampla dupa asta, insa un singur raspuns in vine acum in minte: le astupa / repara. Din spirit civic, am pus online un formular conceput pentru a aduna cat mai multe informatii despre gropile din Bucuresti. Va invit sa lasati in comentariile la acest subiect datele necesare (cartier, strada, problema, observatii), iar eu voi completa la sfarsitul zilei formularul online. Pe 31 Martie ar trebui sa avem o baza de date sanatoasa cu majoritatea gropilor din Bucuresti. Astept feed back pentru imbunatatirea acestui sistem de colectare a informatiilor.
O stire mi-a atras atentia: Brigada de Politie Rutiera a Capitalei a identificat, si cu ajutorul soferilor, 87 de gropi si canale descoperite, in descursul a doua saptamani. Ma mira numarul mic de gropi descoperite, mai ales ca si soferii au avut
LifeStraw changes the world

Changing the world for the better … tough job, but somebody has to do it. Some people’s destinies are connected to the humankind’s evolution. They make pieces of history. They invent and fight for things that save / humanize / enrich lives.

One of these things is LifeStraw® (Switzerland), a water-purification tool that turns even the dirtiest water into safe drinking water by filtering out bacteria and viruses. This life saving tool won the World Changing Ideas Award, a competition organized and sponsored by Saatchi & Saatchi. Their objective is to recognize, celebrate and promote ideas that have the potential to change the world.

You can find more information about this product on their official web site: Just to sum it up: it is highly portable, kills 99.9999% of bacteria and 98.7% of viruses that can cause deadly diseases and can filter up to 700 litres of water.

I hope that the Saatchi & Saatchi marketing consultancy worth USD 50,000 will have the desired effect: to bring the LifeStraw® to every people who lack access to safe drinking water.

Saatchi & Saatchi AwardI see this device delivered next to the OLPC laptop to the children in the developing countries, like a 2 in 1 package. I also see this tool part of the wilderness survival kit you bring with you when you go hiking or mountaineering, next to the Swiss army knife, firestarter and survival blanket. Travel agencies should give it to you when you book trips to exotic destinations. What can I say….a life savior in situations that you only see on Discovery’s I shouldn’t be alive TV-program.

So far, the good news is that LifeStraw® is already distributed in major rural towns in Uganda. Congratulations, LifeStraw® team!
Changing the world for the better … tough job, but somebody has to do it. Some people’s destinies are connected to the humankind’s evolution. They make pieces of history. They invent and fight for things that save / humanize /