15 January is Mihai Eminescu Commemoration Day (1850-1889)

The Mihai Eminescu Monument in OnestiIf you don’t know who Mihai Eminescu is, Wikipedia will tell you (almost) all about him. Too keep it short, I can tell you this: he is Romania’s greatest and my favorite poet. On January 15th (the day he was born) every year, we celebrate his work and contribution to our linguistic legacy.

From all the literature I studied during school and high-school, only one poem stuck to my mind. It is a short and sweet Eminescu poem about love. Maybe that’s why I still remember it. :D

The poem is called “And if …” and I’ve found a pretty good translation for it (courtesy of If you have a girlfriend or boyfriend which can read in Romanian, dedicate her/him this poem, in its original form, on Dragobete (our very own Valentine’s Day) and she\he’ll look at you in a whole new perspective. O:-)

And If … (English translation) Şi dacă … (Romanian Version)
And if the branches tap my pane
And the poplars whisper nightly,
It is to make me dream again
I hold you to me tightly.

And if the stars shine on the pond
And light its somber shoal,
It is to quench my mind’s despond
And flood with peace my soul.

And if the clouds their tresses part
And does the moon out blaze,
It is but to remind my heart
I long for you always.

(Translated by Corneliu M. Popescu)

Şi dacă ramuri bat în geam
Şi se cutremur plopii,
E ca în minte să te am
Şi-ncet să te apropii.

Şi dacă stele bat în lac
Adâncu-i luminându-l,
E ca durerea mea s-o-mpac
Înseninându-mi gândul.

Şi dacă norii deşi se duc
De iese-n luciu luna,
E ca aminte să-mi aduc
De tine-ntotdeauna.

The www has almost 1.320.000 results for “Mihai Eminescu”, including, .eu and .net. I think hope that every household in Romania has a book with Eminescu’s poems or listened to songs with Eminescu’s lyrics.  My all time favorite song with Eminescu’s lyrics is “Sara pe deal” (Eve on the hill) played by Mr. Tudor Gheorghe. Enjoy it! :D/

Tudor Gheorghe – “Sara pe deal” (lyrics by Mihai Eminescu)

Which is you favorite Mihai Eminescu’s poem?

PS. The picture  from the beginning of this post is taken from the  blog (thank you) and the monument is situated in the town of Onesti, Bacau county, Romania.

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