This lawsuit is free of charge! Who would you sue?

who would you sue for free?I was wondering, the other day, why there aren’t pro bono lawsuits in Romania. If there are, I haven’t heard of any.

In Romania, most of the people suffer wrong doings without having the power to fight back – the lawsuits are too expensive and the system is very little understood. So why not empowering them?

The system of pro bono lawsuits should work like the our medical system: the lawyers have a number of people under their “protection” and each people have the right to 3 or 2 or even 1 free of charge lawsuit during their lifetime. Like in a game: you have 3 “credits”, use them wisely.

This system will bring benefits to both parts:

– familiarizing the people with the laws and procedures;

– the lawyers will gain more experience and prestige, and get to keep the clients they do good work for;

– more justice will be done in Romania.

So think about it: if this lawsuit is free of charge, who would you sue? Is your problem worth addressing the court? Is it worth spending this “credit” or there are other solutions to the problem?

This is just an idea and needs improvement. But would it make the world a better place?

For your amusement, check this collection of stupid lawsuits.

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