Starting from July 1st, 2008, the cigarette packs sold in Romania have to carry pictures on them depicting the consequences of smoking: premature death, lung cancer, premature ageing and impotence. Other pictures tell us that children should not be exposed to cigarette smoke and their mothers should not smoke during pregnancies.
Romania is the second country in European Union to insist on pictorial warnings. But there are other countries in the world that implemented the use of graphic warnings to prevent this vice to spreading to future generations: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, Brazil, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Great Britain intents to adopt this measure in short time.
I think that people who already smoke and do not want to quit will not be scared by this pictures. But the teenagers will have a hard time starting to smoke, since these pictures take away the coolness from smoking and make them realize that smoking is not worth your health. (more…)
Starting from July 1st, 2008, the cigarette packs sold in Romania have to carry pictures on them depicting the consequences of smoking: premature death, lung cancer, premature ageing and impotence. Other pictures tell us that children should not be
Etichete: Calitatea vietii • English-Articles • healthy life • smoking
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