Arhiva Categoriei: Merita Atentie

Zilele trecute am vazut la chioscuri revista Tabu pe Octombrie cu un trenci transparent cadou (16 lei) si, cateva ore mai tarziu, prezentarea de moda a designerului englez Emma Cook pe Fashion TV pentru sezonul Primavara – Vara 2009. Am pus lucrurile cap la cap si a reiesit concluzia ca trenciul transparent este la moda si se poarta in combinatii cromatice asortate. Pentru cine nu stie ce este un trenci, ne spune ca: (more…)
Zilele trecute am vazut la chioscuri revista Tabu pe Octombrie cu un trenci transparent cadou (16 lei) si, cateva ore mai tarziu, prezentarea de moda a designerului englez Emma Cook pe Fashion TV pentru sezonul Primavara – Vara 2009. Am pus
In perioada 13 Mai – 31 Iulie 2008, are loc concursul international PICNIC Green Challenge 2008. Competitia provoaca oamenii sa vina cu idei creative si inovative pentru reducerea emisiilor gazelor de sera. Ideea castigatoare va aduce echipei premiul cel mare de 500.000 euro, inmanat de Richard Branson, pentru punerea ei in practica. Concursul, organizat de Loteria Postei Olandeze, cauta oameni creativi si inovativi care sa provoace schimbari in domeniul ecologiei. Produsele si serviciile ce vor intra in concurs trebuie sa contribuie la un stil de viata prietenos cu mediul inconjurator, reducand direct emisiile de gaze de sera. De asemenea, conteaza accesibilitatea, calitatea si design-ul lor. (more…)
In perioada 13 Mai – 31 Iulie 2008, are loc concursul international PICNIC Green Challenge 2008. Competitia provoaca oamenii sa vina cu idei creative si inovative pentru reducerea emisiilor gazelor de sera. Ideea castigatoare va aduce echipei
Constantin Brancusi - SarutulGaleriile de arta Saatchi din Londra organizeaza un clasament cu cei mai renumiti artisti ai secolului XX. In acest moment, Constantin Brancusi se afla pe locul 15, la 388 de voturi distanta de locul 10. Te invit sa votezi si tu – un singur vot pentru fiecare vizitator. Cu siguranta ne putem uni cu totii fortele pentru a creste numarul de voturi si a-l aseza pe Brancusi acolo unde ii este locul: printre primii 10 artisti ai secolului XX. Daca ati uitat cine a fost Brancusi si ce inseamna el pentru romani, consultati resursele:
  1. – site dedicate artistului;
  2. Articolele Wikipediei despre Brancusi;
  3. evolutia restaurarii ansamblului de la Targu Jiu;
  4. comentariile de pe Cotidianul privitoare la acest clasament
Succes! [English Version] Vote from Constantin Brancusi in the top organized by the Saatchi Gallery from London! Brancusi was the Romanian sculptor that became the central figure of the modern movement and a pioneer of abstraction. For more information about Constantin Brancusi, please visit, Wikipedia or the Noguchi Museum’s Website. Thank you! [poll id=4]
Galeriile de arta Saatchi din Londra organizeaza un clasament cu cei mai renumiti artisti ai secolului XX. In acest moment, Constantin Brancusi se afla pe locul 15, la 388 de voturi distanta de locul 10. Te invit sa votezi si tu – un singur
Puma Cool TagLast year I’ve spotted a beautiful tag on a Lee Cooper T–shirt. The T–shirt was nice but the tag attached to it was even nicer; I wanted to buy the T-shirt because of the tag, but I do not year black … The thought stuck with me though: why so few of the tags attached to clothing and shoes are beautiful. How come the big brains behind the products do not come up with interesting and gorgeous tags? How about cool or glamorous? Tags should say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in December and Happy Easter in April – to mention only two holidays. Tags should be so beautiful that you want to keep them, collect them, share with friends, and hang them as ornaments in your house during holiday times (as long as the brand’s name is not too obvious). I have a tag from an Only for You jacket – I used it to customize my rucksack. I wonder why the tags are not used as a way to bond with your customers. In my opinion an apparel product should have, besides a price tag, another tag – beautifully designed – with the web address of the company (a must), a suggestion / picture on how to wear the product and other interesting information related to the product. Like this Puma tag Mr. Seth Godin shared with us. I like it. That’s why I’ve chosen to help spread the word. From my point of view, apparel and cosmetics (for start) tags should be seen as a new kind of business card: the type of information they contain is up to the business’s imagination and the customer will definitely take it home (being attached to the product). Maybe there should be a tag contest with customers voters only … What do you think about this Puma tag? Do you collect tags and labels? Do you have any cool apparel tags? What do you do with tags and labels you like? What is the most beautiful or interesting apparel tag you have ever seen?
Last year I’ve spotted a beautiful tag on a Lee Cooper T–shirt. The T–shirt was nice but the tag attached to it was even nicer; I wanted to buy the T-shirt because of the tag, but I do not year black … The thought stuck with me though:
{{ It´s important to carry a good umbrella. I always say, "Men who carry a high–quality umbrella will move up in life. Women who carry a high–quality umbrella will be showered in happiness." It´s the truth. The umbrella above your
How do you recycle your bottles? How do you recycle your bottles? If you are Romanian, I bet you don't. If you are foreigner, I bet you have options. I'm a big fan of recycling. I'll recycle everything I can and it hurts my heart when I throw away bottles and plastics. Just because I do not even have 1 option for recycling them. There are no services for the population to recycle their waste. I do recycle paper and cardboard via Copacul de Hartie (the Paper Tree) - they plant trees bought with the money from selling the paper -- and I donate old clothing to the needy. It feels good. But I would like to do more. A quick google and I learned that there are nice ways to recycle bottles. Some smart people have given this issue a serious thought and came up with this solution: reduce the volume of the glass using a cool machine to do all the hard part. All you have to do is remember to recycle. Here are some versions of the same idea: 1. Bottler Cycler - Recycling and Waste Management for Bottles 2. Smash and Grab - "Little Smasher" 3. Reverse Vending Corporation - reverse vending machines which utilize advanced technology to identify, sort, collect , process and recycle used beverage containers including cans, glass bottles, PET (plastic) bottles and vending cups. To have some success with these ideas in Romania, they have to be private initiatives; like initiatives from private companies: malls, super/hypermarkets & co. Dear Manager from a Big Company, please invest in a bottle recycling machine in front of your big hypermarket - your customers will thank you on their way to spend their money on your business. I would love to go shopping and leave a bag of bottles at the smashing machine in front of the store. Maybe even get a receipt that says "Thank you Mihaela for recycling with us today. You've just recycled x kilograms of glass. You balance so far is y kilograms of recycled glass. You're on 10th place in your community. " Only 10th? I have to pay mom a visit and talk to her about her bottles. How many of my friends are not recycling? Hmmm.... Do you get my point? There is a HUGE opportunity on the Romanian recycling business. We need smart and stimulating ideas; business people with guts; green education for the masses. And at the end of the year, we want to know where our recycling goes: how much energy was saved? Which companies used the recycled materials? Make people's lives easier and greener and they sleep better at knight. do you recycle your bottles? (use the form below to leave your opinions)
How do you recycle your bottles? If you are Romanian, I bet you don't. If you are foreigner, I bet you have options. I'm a big fan of recycling. I'll recycle everything I can and it hurts my heart when I throw away bottles and plastics. Just because
I was wondering, the other day, why there aren’t pro bono lawsuits in Romania. If there are, I haven’t heard of any. In Romania, most of the people suffer wrong doings without having the power to fight back - the lawsuits are too expensive and