Arhiva Categoriei: De stiut

O prietena m-a rugat sa pun pe blog programul pentru ITM Bucuresti, sa-l stie toata lumea si sa nu ia teapa, asa cum a patit ea cand s-a dus intr-o vineri ... degeaba. |NU| Asadar: Incepand cu data de 06 Aprilie 2009, programul de lucru cu pub
Bune maniere in societatea secolului XXIAm citit azi un articol dragut in una dintre revistele destinate noua, femeilor (va las pe voi sa ghiciti care). Si pentru ca barbatii nu le citesc, am decis sa le impartasesc si lor ce am descoperit. Articolul era despre bunele maniere ale secolului XXI si spunea asa:
O alta regula noua de politete a aparut atunci cand primesti o invitatie. Printre megaocupatii din Vest, s-a conturat obiceiul de a intreba: „Cine mai vine?" Complet nepoliticos! (more…)
Am citit azi un articol dragut in una dintre revistele destinate noua, femeilor (va las pe voi sa ghiciti care). Si pentru ca barbatii nu le citesc, am decis sa le impartasesc si lor ce am descoperit. Articolul era despre bunele maniere ale secolului
Ce te doare?Mai ai loc in agenda telefonului tau pentru inca 2 numere? Atunci adauga-le! Este vorba despre numarul de telefon de la Protectia Consumatorului 021.310.63.75 (daca esti din Bucuresti sau cauta numarul corespunzator sucursalei din judetul tau) si cel de la Ministerul Sanatatii 0800.800.885. Niciodata nu stii cand ai nevoie de ele. Sau poate nu o sa ai tu, ci vreun membru al familiei sau prieten. Cand ai o problema, cel mai bine este sa-ti versi oful atunci, pe moment si la fata locului, cand impresiile sunt proaspete. Daca esti superstitios(oasa), e posibil sa nu ai nevoie niciodata de aceste numere acum  ca le ai trecute in agenda, insa nu se stie ce-ti rezerva viata. Potrivit legilor lui Murphy, daca le ai in agenda, nu le folosesti; daca nu le ai in agenda, ai nevoie de ele. Ce varianta preferi? (more…)
Mai ai loc in agenda telefonului tau pentru inca 2 numere? Atunci adauga-le! Este vorba despre numarul de telefon de la Protectia Consumatorului 021.310.63.75 (daca esti din Bucuresti sau cauta numarul corespunzator sucursalei din judetul tau) si
Uneori, e bine ca din cand in cand sa lasam cifrele sa vorbeasca: Cifrele de mai sus arata cat de cautate au fost aceste cuvinte de catre vizitatorii site-urilor monitorizate de, in ultimele 7 zile. Concluziile le las pe seama voa
E vara. Cald. Prea cald. In oras e si  mai cald. Cand s-or inventa masini enorme de aer conditionat care sa ne racoreasca orasul? Ups, am uitat, exista de cand lumea si se numesc copaci. Sau pomi. Sau arbori. Au multe nume insa sunt putini la nu
Fashion Outlet Romania Se anunta cu surle si trambite deschiderea primului magazin de tip outlet din Romania. In Bucuresti, evident. Desi termenul de deschidere a fost prelungit cu 1 saptamana (pe motive ca nu toate magazinele si-au terminat amenajarile), centrul de magazine va prinde valul cumparaturilor de Craciun. Personal, nu sunt foarte curioasa cum e complexul asta de tip outlet. Sigur va fi inghesuiala mare, vanzatorii nepregatiti de asaltul cumparatorilor si lucrurile neterminate. Exemplu clasic de “pom laudat”. (more…)
Se anunta cu surle si trambite deschiderea primului magazin de tip outlet din Romania. In Bucuresti, evident. Desi termenul de deschidere a fost prelungit cu 1 saptamana (pe motive ca nu toate magazinele si-au terminat amenajarile), centrul de m
World Challenge 2008 Aflat la a 4- editie, World Challenge 2008 si-a desemnat cei 12 finalisti; finalisti ce vor concura pentru premiul cel mare de 20.000 USD pentru finantarea proiectului lor. BBC World News si Newsweek, in asociere cu Shell, organizeaza in fiecare an acest concurs cu scopul de a promova si sponsoriza proiecte locale care aduc o diferenta remarcabila in comunitatea lor. Finalistii acestui an sunt din urmatoarele tari: (more…)
Aflat la a 4- editie, World Challenge 2008 si-a desemnat cei 12 finalisti; finalisti ce vor concura pentru premiul cel mare de 20.000 USD pentru finantarea proiectului lor. BBC World News si Newsweek, in asociere cu Shell, organizeaza in fiecare
Simply Surprising7.5 million tourists visited Romania in 2007, 27% more than 2006. Hotels and motels had been built, renovated and marketed. The offer is wide and unique: beaches, the Danube delta, mountains, and spa resorts - all four seasons have something interesting to offer.Almost everyone is making an effort to redefine the Romanian tourism and discover its strengths: - the hosts are improving the quality of their services - the authorities are branding the "fabulous spirit" of Romania - the agencies are marketing their offers I invite the foreign tourists to share their stories about visiting Romania on a news blog created especially for you: Create an account in seconds and start sharing pictures and comments about Romania. Here are a few hints: - What part of the biodiversity caught your attention: the relief, the fauna or the flora? - Which cultural event brought you to Romania or interested you? - What do you think of the Romanian people you encountered? - Did you enjoy hiking and discovering the nature around you? - Which Romanian tradition caught you attention? - How does the food you had in Romania differed from the one in your country? - Which tourist destination from Romania would you recommend to your friends? Share your travel notes, eve if you have a blog or profile in a travel community - we want to know about it and let others learn from your experiences. travel in RomaniaBottom line: We want to know what the foreign tourists think about Romania. The simple truth, so we can learn from it.
7.5 million tourists visited Romania in 2007, 27% more than 2006. Hotels and motels had been built, renovated and marketed. The offer is wide and unique: beaches, the Danube delta, mountains, and spa resorts - all four seasons have something interest
Bucharest Coat of ArmsFebruary 2008. It's time for Bucharest , our capital city, to choose its mascot. It's a little late for that, but not too late. So many basic things need attention in Bucharest, that choosing a mascot in 2008 it's never too late. A mascot is a person, animal, or object believed to bring good luck, especially one kept as the symbol of an organization such as a sports team. The city hall did some serious brainstorming and came up with these ideas: 1. from the animal kingdom: the lion, the aquila, the ladybug and the white butterfly; 2. from the vegetal kingdom: the plane-tree, the acorn, the daisy, the snowdrop and the four-leaf clover; 3. architecture: the Palace of the Parliament, the Patriarchal Palace, the Romanian Athenaeum, the ,,George Enescu" Museum and the and CEC Palace. Wikipedia says that the rose and the golden eagles are Romania's national emblems. But we do not have a national personification. Bucharest Plane-Tree MascotThe city hall's web site will host a poll destined the find out the opinion of the people. My vote goes to the plane-tree: if this symbol will win, the city hall will have to plant a lot of these trees in Bucharest, so at least we will have more green around us. Even the snowdrop is a good symbol: it represents a new beginning, a fresh start and the power to break through the freezing snow. And Bucharest needs a fresh start to clean up its reputation of a dirty, insecure, crowded and polluted European capital city. Bucharest Snowdrop MascotStill, I agree with the opinion the professionals should decide the mascot of Bucharest, not the citizens. From my point of view, the people of Bucharest are too disappointed and angry on their mayor & co to make a wise decision. So far, all the news regarding the Bucharest's mascot is from news portals. I'm still looking for an official post or poll on the city hall's website. I'll keep you posted if I'll find something interesting :) .
February 2008. It's time for Bucharest , our capital city, to choose its mascot. It's a little late for that, but not too late. So many basic things need attention in Bucharest, that choosing a mascot in 2008 it's never too late. A mascot is a per