Just to make things clear, here is a simple definition of fog: Fog is a cloud in contact with the ground. Fog differs from other clouds only in that fog touches the surface of the Earth. The same cloud that is not fog on lower ground may be fog where it contacts higher ground such as hilltops or mountain ridges. Fog is distinct from mist only in its density. Fog is defined as cloud which reduces visibility to less than 1 km, whereas mist is that which reduces visibility to less than 2 km. Fog forms when the difference (Δ) between temperature and dew-point are 3 °C, or less, especially around rivers. (Courtesy of Wikipedia) (more…)
Imi place sa ma relaxez citind o revista pentru femei seara, inainte de culcare, cu un ceai fierbinte. Imi fuge gandul departe de problemele mele si imi da noi teme de gandire. Iar cand revista preferata mai are si un cadou dragut, cum sa ratez ocazia? Editurile revistelor glossy au inteles, in final, ca femeilor le plac cadourile si surprizele. Astfel, in fiecare luna, unele reviste glossy ne atrag atentia pe tarabe prin cadourile oferite si … viteza cu care se vand. Apare goana dupa cadourile revistelor. Unele dintre noi cumpara revistele doar numai pentru cadouri. (more…)
I love Romania because, from time to time, I come across a piece like this that makes me glad that I am a human being. Here are the details of this marvelous creation: Title: "Nu-mi spune" ("Don´t tell me") –– genre: folk music Artist: Walter Ghicolescu Lyrics: Tatiana Dragota The song goes straight to my heart, and the lyrics are divine. A quick search on Google proves me that I’m not the only one in love with life when listening to this song. Listen to it and, if you have a Romanian friend, ask him/her to translate you the lyrics. Enjoy it with friends, alone, after a tough day or at bed time. It will bring good memories, right?
Nu-mi spune ca totu-i risipa, Iluzie arsa-n zadar. Reda-mi rasuflarea in pripaSi lasa-mi speranta macar. | Vorbeste-mi de luna de stele, De tot ce-ti placea pana ieri, Cu mainile-n mainile mele Cu noi si-nzecite puteri, |
Nu-ntoarce privirea in taina, Nu-ti pune nadejdea-ntrun pas, In fiece nastur din haina Un fir de-amintire a ramas. (bis) | Din buzele intoarse spre mine, Soarbe-mi dorinta dintai. Hai vino ca ieri langa mine, Nu-mi spune ca pleci, mai ramai. (bis) |
[Chorus] Hai fa-te comoda in fotoliu, Infrunta-ti tendinta spre nu, Renunta te rog la orgoliu Si canta-mi din nou voulez vouz. (bis) |
Have you ever invented something? If so, congratulations. The world could use more people like you, simply because not many people have the power to act upon their ideas.
Have you ever thought of inventing something? I bet you did. There is a good reason we have ideas: our brain is trying to show us a way, a new way, to do things around here.
So, next time pay close attention to your ideas. Treat them like your best friends:
(more…)... blogging. For those of you who never heard of a Romanian blog (or even a blog written in a foreign language by a Romanian), take a look on these numbers and think again:
- 4,819 blogs rss-fed by rss.mioritics.ro, 4,384 blogs listed on zelist.ro (link love) and 2,333 blogs monitored by trafic.ro (number of unique visitors); - 33.47% of Romanian blogs are written in English (too); - Most Popular Platforms for blogging: WordPress, Blogger and Weblog; - Most Popular Communities: Netlog, FaceBook, MySpace, hi5; We are there, on the World Map of Bloggers. The Romanian blogosphere is growing by the day, in quality and quantity. After all, leaving inHello World! A new blog is born today, January 14th 2008, under the sign of the Capricorn, in the year of the Rat.
What is it? Living in RO Colors is a blog about life in Romania, with its ups and downs, good and bad. During its existence it will cover events, traditions, myths and truths about Romania and its people. You can ask me questions about Romania, its cities and people, information you want to know but couldn’t find anywhere. So you know any myths about Romania and want to know the truth? Ask the question and I’ll do a reality check. Why? Maybe just because I can, I want to and it’s a good thing. When? Weekly or twice a week, on Living in RO Colors, according to inspiration or challenges. The Logo. The blog’s logo is design by Design General, a talented designer from