Old jokes in new town

I thought I have something better to do but I was wrong: I didn’t so I went to the movies to see New in Town. Now, I wish I’ve tried harder to find something else to do, like reading a book or a magazine.

What can I say about the movie so that I don’t heart somebody’s feelings? I’ll put it simple: childish and disappointing. I didn’t like it. I felt like I lost time watching it.

The problem is the story, not the actors. The story was co-written by one of the script writers for Sweet Home Alabama. Now it makes sense: the same story-line, the same jokes. There was no plot, nothing interesting to build on a character. It was like watching Cinderella (aka Renée Zellweger) sleep – that’s not entertainment.

But Mrs. Zellweger is smart. Why did she say yes to this script? Out of boredom? I hope next time she’ll know better.

Renee Zellweger talks about the movie on David Letterman Show, 29th January 2009:

I noticed she wore a ring on the index finger, in the movie. Is this some back-in-fashion thing? I always felt it is uncomfortable to wear your ring this way.

One line stuck to my head, though I’m not a parent yet: “Whatever you do to her, I’ll do to you!” said the father to the date of her daughter. Mark these words, guys! :)=-

Besides this, there is nothing interesting about the movie. I’ll go to the theater this weekend to wash away this movie from my mind.

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